Monday, November 22, 2010

Wow..Who Would Have Thought

While shopping in the grocery section at Target this past weekend i came across something i never knew existed.  Red Velvet Chocolate Limited Edition Holiday Milk!!!   Since i am always into Holiday flavors and trying new things i decided to pick one up and try it for myself!  The idea of drinking Red Velvet Chocolate left me wondering how it would taste.  I figured it was either going to  taste really good or really bad.  I got mixed reactions from other family members when i told them about it but i thought it sounded good! 
The Red Velvet Chocolate Holiday Milk is one of three flavors that they offer including Chocolate Mint Milk.  The Red Velvet Chocolate Milk is actually red in color.  It is not as thick as regular milk and comes in vitamin D.  It actually does taste somewhat like Red Velvet Chocolate but the taste is unusual.  I would only recommend this product to Red Velvet Chocolate Lovers.  It contains 4 servings in each carton and each serving equals 270 calories so be prepared if you are counting calories this Holiday Season.  They have some great serving suggestions on the carton which include:
  • Top with Whipped Cream and a sprinkling of Cocoa or Red Sugar.
  • Add to Coffee or Hot Cocoa
  • Heat until warm.  Top serving with Marshmallow Creme and a drizzle of Chocolate Syrup.
  • Blend with Ice cream for a creamy shake.
  • Top with Whipped Cream and White Chocolate shavings.


Angela said...

Thanks for following mommy Time Out

Anonymous said...

I love Red Velvet! I'm going to check this out!

Amanda said...

I'm a new follower from the monday blog hop! I hope that you could follow me back :) thanks!


Christian Graces said...

WOW...THANK YOU for sharing this! It sounds amazing. I will be going to Target this weekend!