I was sent a couple pair of Bolt and Thunder Leg Warmers, to review. The Original Baby Leg Warmers are 33' and fits most ages and sizes. The Warmers fit hip to ankle on your little ones and ankle to mid calf on your four year old. They also fit on your older children's arms! This makes it nice as they fit perfectly on my 9 month old and my 2 year old legs-not to mention on my seven year old arms! They are also easy to use on your arms! Just slip them on under your short sleeved shirts to instantly become warmer and to make a fashion statement!
My nine month old is always crawling around everywhere...especially on the hard floor which sometimes can be a pain because his little knees get so red. When he has his Baby Legs on i don't have to worry about my baby getting red knees. Another great reason why i liked using Baby Legs on my nine month old is that it keeps his little legs nice and warm when he is wearing nothing but a onsie. I love the variety of styles that they offer for boys.
You can chose Baby Legs to match almost any outfit your little one may have. The Baby Legs i was sent to review happened to match my sons new shoes perfectly! My 2 year old loves wearing them while sitting on his potty. They keep his legs warm and protected. Baby Legs are perfect for Winter months but they are also great for Summer time to keep your babies legs protected from the sun.

They come in three different sizes: 0-12 months, 12-24 months and 2-4T. They are made out of 77% Cotton, 12% Nylon, 8% Polyester, and 3% Spandex. My sons received many compliments on their socks...i think because of their bright colors and patterns it really made them stand out! My youngest son had an outfit that matched the colors in the socks perfectly! My two year old loved the Bright Red Flame Socks and the Skull socks too! It made him actually want to put his socks on!
Baby Legs is genorously offering my readers a code good for 20% off their entire order, but hurry the discount code expires on 2/28. Use the code: CAKES to receive your discount.
Baby Legs is genorously offering my readers a code good for 20% off their entire order, but hurry the discount code expires on 2/28. Use the code: CAKES to receive your discount.
WIN: Baby Legs is offering one lucky reader a Grab Bag of some of their products.(A $50 Value).
RULES: *Please leave a comment along with your email address, in each entry. I need your email address so i can contact you in the event that you are a winner.
*Open to US Residents ONLY!!!
*Giveaway will end 2/28 and winner will have 48 hours to respond to winning email or a new winner will be chosen in your place!
You must become a follower of my blog(located on the right side bar) OR already follow me via GFC.
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~Like me me on Twitter.
3 Entries Each:
~Visit Baby Legs and let me know your favorite pair of Leg Warmers.
~Blog about this entry and leave me a link to it.
~Tweet about this Giveaway.(Leave I.D.)
Disclaimer-Baby Legs is sponsoring my giveaway and sent me some products to review. In no way did this alter my opinion of their products. All of my opinions are one hundred percent honest and true*
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 202 Newer› Newest»Wow what a great review! those look so cute!
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we would love the zappy zebra baby legs!
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we would love the zappy zebra baby legs!
sarahdoeshair_a at yahoo dot com
we would love the zappy zebra baby legs!
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These are so cute!
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I visited the site and my fav ones are the Touchdown ones and my second fav are the Fire Engine ones. These are a really cute product!
lhoward916 at gmail dot com
I visited the site and my fav ones are the Touchdown ones and my second fav are the Fire Engine ones. These are a really cute product!
lhoward916 at gmail dot com
I visited the site and my fav ones are the Touchdown ones and my second fav are the Fire Engine ones. These are a really cute product!
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#1 I love the touchdown leg warmers for a boy!
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#2 I love the touchdown leg warmers for a boy!
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#3 I love the touchdown leg warmers for a boy!
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Feel free to follow my blog and enter the great giveaway I have going on there. 8 winners in total!
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I really like the crab leg warmers. 1
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we love the ones with uv protection #1
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we love the ones with uv protection #2
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we love the ones with uv protection #3
vetsmom_rgv at yahoo dot com
I LOVE baby legs!!! :)
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I would love to wear a pair of the Sunshine Leg Warmers! :)
I would love to wear a pair of the Sunshine Leg Warmers! :)
I would love to wear a pair of the Sunshine Leg Warmers! :)
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nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com
I Liked Baby Legs on FB (Melissa D. E.)
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My favorite pair of leg warmers is the cow print (#1/3)
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
My favorite pair of leg warmers is the cow print (#1/3)
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
My favorite pair of leg warmers is the cow print (#3/3)
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
Followed ur blog via Twitter.
Really like these .....
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feh79 at yahoo dot com
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angiedkelly at gmail dot com
I like the duchess leg warmers
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
I like the duchess leg warmers
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I like the duchess leg warmers
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I follow via GFC as ChamboriDri!
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I follow Mommy Reviews and More on Facebook as A.C. Cabrera (chamboriluv)!
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My favorite are the Lil' Rainbow leg warmers!
chamboriluv at gmail dot com
My favorite are the Lil' Rainbow leg warmers!
chamboriluv at gmail dot com
My favorite are the Lil' Rainbow leg warmers!
chamboriluv at gmail dot com
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I like the electro stripe leg warmers
I like the electro stripe leg warmers
I like the electro stripe leg warmers
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dragonflydmb at hotmail dot com
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dragonflydmb at hotmail dot com
(the link you have for the baby legs facebook page is for a baby legs in singapore. i had to go to baby legs webpage and click on their facebook link to go to the correct one: facebook.com/babylegs)
My favorite pair of legwarmers are the girls Fluttering Butterflies. (entry 1)
dragonflydmb at hotmail dot com
My favorite pair of legwarmers are the girls Fluttering Butterflies. (entry 2)
dragonflydmb at hotmail dot com
My favorite pair of legwarmers are the girls Fluttering Butterflies. (entry 3)
dragonflydmb at hotmail dot com
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My favorite babylegs are the Cow Print Leg Warmers
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
My favorite babylegs are the Cow Print Leg Warmers 2
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
My favorite babylegs are the Cow Print Leg Warmers 3
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog! mrs.massaro@gmail.com
Follow Baby Legs on Facebook mrs.massaro@gmail.com
Like Mommy Reviews & More on Facebook mrs.massaro@gmail.com
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I follow you on twitter mrs.massaro@gmail.com
1 Illusion Leg Warmers are really cool mrs.massaro@gmail.com
2 Illusion Leg Warmers are really cool mrs.massaro@gmail.com
3 Illusion Leg Warmers are really cool mrs.massaro@gmail.com
Love those Baby Legs! Follow you on GFC
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
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Liked you on facebook. (Shawna Elkins) mommy2rylie@ymail.com
Follow BabyLegs on Twitter. (@Mom2Rylie) mommy2rylie@ymail.com
My favorite pair is the Purple Dot Leg Warmers. mommy2rylie@ymail.com (1)
My favorite pair is the Purple Dot Leg Warmers. mommy2rylie@ymail.com (2)
My favorite pair is the Purple Dot Leg Warmers. mommy2rylie@ymail.com (3)
I like You on Facebook(Tami Vollenweider) geauxtami@yahoo.com
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I liked Baby Legs on Facebook(Tami Vollenweider) geauxtami@yahoo.com
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Favorite design is Sweet Pea! #1 geauxtami@yahoo.com
Favorite is Sweet Pea! #2 geauxtami@yahoo.com
Favorite is Sweet Pea! #3 geauxtami@yahoo.com
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My favorites are the Peter Rabbit Leg Warmers. #1
My favorites are the Peter Rabbit Leg Warmers. #2
My favorites are the Peter Rabbit Leg Warmers. #3
Tweeted Giveaway http://twitter.com/#!/hazelfinn/status/39522836540432384 #1
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My favorite babylegs are the Cow Print Legwarmers! 1
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My favorite babylegs are the Cow Print Legwarmers! 2
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
My favorite babylegs are the Cow Print Legwarmers! 3
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
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Leaping Leopard call my name!
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Here's my tweet (kezzygibbs) #1
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I love the Sweet Pea Leg Warmers #1
I love the Sweet Pea Leg Warmers #2
I love the Sweet Pea Leg Warmers #3
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I like you on Facebook - Cynthia Delgadillo. cynthiadelgadillo@yahoo.com
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My favorite pair are the Organic PopHeart Leg Warmers. They remind me of my sweater when I was little :)
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bwneyes100 at hotmail dot com
~Follow Baby Legs on Facebook
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Nancy P.
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follow you on twitter @fancygrlnancy
I love the football pair! so cute!
I love the football pair! so cute!
I love the football pair! so cute!
tweeted http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/41620107511873536
tweeted http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/41620107511873536
tweeted http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/41620107511873536
GFC follower Darcy
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follow you on twitter @syrana
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love the jolly jill leggings!
darcyzalewski at gmail dot com
love the jolly jill leggings!
darcyzalewski at gmail dot com
love the jolly jill leggings!
darcyzalewski at gmail dot com
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mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com
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Little Foot is my favorite!
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Little Foot is my favorite!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com
Little Foot is my favorite!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com
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mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com
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