Monday, January 30, 2012

Tiny Prints Business Cards

As many of you know blogher will be here before we know it,  but are you prepared to hand out your business cards to everyone?  I would like to say I am,  but unfortunately I will not be able to attend this year; however,  I know many of you are and for those of you who are I would like to recomend purchasing them from Tiny Prints.  

Here are some tips to think about when creating and bringing business cards to your blog conferences. 

  1. Make sure to bring enough,  you definitely don't want to run out!
  2. Engage in a meaningful conversation before handing out your business card so they will be interested in continuing the conversation at a later date.  
  3. When creating the cards make sure they are unique and will leave a lasting impression on the recipient. 
  4. Create them ahead of time so you will have plenty of time to receive them and look them over. 

Okay,  so maybe your in my situation and will not be attending Blogher this year, let me tell you - business cards are just as useful to us as well!  No matter if I meet someone at the grocery store or am just simply talking to my friend it's nice to be able to offer them a business card with your information on it rather than write it out for them.  Plus it's much easier to simply hand them a card then have to write it all out and on top of that it looks a whole lot more professional too!  

Tiny Prints is by far a one stop shop for all your business card needs or shall I say blogger card(that's what I like to refer to it as) needs!  This is because they offer a nice selection of business cards in various formats,  colors,  sizes,  paper,  and prints.  More than likely you will be able to find exactly what your looking for and it won't take long to do either.  This is because everything is sorted in easy to find categories on the sidebar of their site so you can find what your looking for without having to browse all the one's that you are not interested in. Oh and did I mention you can personalize them with your very own logo or photo.  In the past I personalized mine with a head shot but this year I am definitely going with my blog logo.  

LEARN MORE: To learn more about Tiny Prints visit them online at

*Disclaimer - I am receiving a set of 50 business cards in exchange for this post.  In no way did this alter my opinion of their products.  All of my opinions are one hundred percent honest and true.*