Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tips for safe winter driving

Winter weather can cause scary road conditions,  so it is best that you know some helpful tips that will teach you how to be safer while driving in bad weather.  I myself know this first hand because I have had my share of scary moments while driving in bad weather conditions.  Once while driving home from a doctors appointment I hydroplaned on the road which almost caused me to run a stop sign.  Believe me,  loosing control of your car can be quite scary.  Next month we plan on driving up to the snow(something we usually do not do).  I am somewhat scared to drive in the slippery conditions but I feel more confident and safe after reading some great tips on how to be safe while driving in the winter conditions.

Here are some tips below to help you stay safe while driving in bad weather this winter,  I hope you find them helpful.  

1. SLOW DOWN - When road conditions are slippery it is best you reduce your speed to the weather.  Even though the speed limit may read a different speed. 

2. Use Chains when driving in snowy weather that requires you to use chains.  I will be doing this in February when I drive up to Lake Tahoe, that's for sure!

3.  Keep an emergency kit in your car that contains flashers so people will be aware that you are there and this way will slow down and not hit you.  It can also contain a bunch of other helpful items so they are always a must!

4. NEVER use cruise control or overdrive on icy roads because it could be very dangerous!

5. Follow atleast three times more than the regular distance when you are driving in icy conditions.  That way it gives you plenty of time to stop,  which is very important.

6.  You should always avoid trying to pass snow plows because the drivers have limited visibility and it could cause a bad accident,  something we oviously do not want to happen!

7. When driving on bridges and overpasses it is best that you be especially careful because they freeze first.

8.  ALWAYS keep your windshield clean.  This is something that I am very guilty of but it is very important when driving in slippery conditions.

9. Right before Winter begins make sure your car gets a checkup.  Yes,  much like you get a annual check up it is important that your car does too!  This should include checking your antifreeze levels, checking the ignition and breaks,  

10.  Before driving in bad weather it is very important that you check the air in your tires as well as the tread.  This is something that I make sure I do each and every time! 

I hope these tips are helpful to you! 

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Esurance blogging program for 8,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. For more information on how you can participate, click here.


Eat To Live said...

I detest driving in the winter.... I would rather stay home than have to drive.

Great tips though!!

Michelle Wong said...

very good tips. remember folks safety first!

slehan said...

4. NEVER use cruise control or overdrive on icy roads because it could be very dangerous!

I'd never considered this one - but I have to agree with it.