Monday, April 2, 2012

Stonyfield YoKids Greek Organic Low Fat Yogurt

The children's yogurt even adults will want to try!  

Yogurt is a great snack for children and now yogurt just got even more healthy for your children!  Introducing to you  the new YoKids Greek Organic Yogurt by Stonyfield!  It is available in two delicious flavors and comes in a convenient four pack.  It is recommended for children ages 2-6+ which makes it the perfect snack  for all three of my young ones!  

Because each yogurt is packed in it's very own cup, it makes it the ideal size for a snack.  My children eat them with their breakfast in the morning or between breakfast and lunch for a quick and tasty snack.  They enjoy the Strawberry flavor the best although they are also quite fond of the raspberry flavor too.  I like to pack one in my oldest son's lunch box to eat with his lunch at school,  and it comes back empty every time.  

My children love it because it tastes good and I love it because it provides them with a healthy snack.  Not only does it provide 6 grams of protein,  it also provides an excellent source of calcium made with Lo-Fat organic milk.  It is actually the ONLY organic greek yogurt available for kids and it is made with just that in mind - kids!  

In celebration of Dr Suess The Lorax Stonyfield has announced it's recent collaboration with it to promote caring for our environment.  Be sure to visit for a Lorax themed game, coupons, and a sweepstakes.  

BUY IT:  Look for Stonyfield YoKids Greek Organic Yogurt in the cold section at your nearest grocery store.  

WIN IT:  One of my lucky readers is going to receive four coupons good for four packs of yogurt.  

*Disclaimer - I received four coupons good for four free packs of Stonyfield YoKids Organic Greek Yogurt along with some Stonyfield swag, and two tickets to the Lorax Movie,  free of charge,  in  exchange for this post.  In no way did this alter my opinion of their products.  All of my opinions expressed in this post are one hundred percent honest and true.*

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Chris Ziegler said...

Rasberry for sure!

Eat To Live said...

I like both flavors but my Hubs would probably like the Raspberry.

Eat To Live said...

I couldn't get this to go in the raffle copter. Facebook share!/permalink.php?story_fbid=289009931173874&id=153238551352990

momandsons said...


Laura said...


SaraLee said...



I'd like to try strawberry.
momsholidaycooking at gmail dot com

Unknown said...
