Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Birthday to my son!

Today my second born son turns 5. It's such a bittersweet day for me because my baby is no longer a baby. Even though, of course he will always be a baby in my eyes.

To me his birth is beautiful. To you,  it may not be because he was born via c-section. If you would like to watch his birth, then you may watch the video below. Just a heads up, his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck a couple times. 

10 Fun Facts About My Son: 
1.He can be such a little trouble maker
2.He loves to draw
3.He has a great memory
4.He will talk your head off
5.His big brown eyes will melt your heart
6.He loves Jake The Pirate
7.He's a charmer
8.He has a good sense of humor
9.He constantly gets compliments on his perfect little ringlet curls
10.He can't wait to start school

Happy Birthday son. Mommy loves you very much and I look forward to seeing you grow into a handsome young man (just not anytime soon). :) 


Mami2jcn said...

Aw, that's sweet! He's so cute! I had my 3 via c-section. When my daughter turned 4 in August it hit me kind of hard that she wasn't a baby anymore.

Happy birthday to your son!