Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Piggy Wiggies Santa Snorz

If you love adorable plush pigs and you love Santa Clause,  then your really going to love the newest piggy by Piggy Wiggies!   Santa Snorz comes from the same soft loveable family of hand crafted collectibles that so many people love,  including myself! 

If you didnt get a chance to read my  Piggy Wiggies review,  then I definitely recommend that you check it out - http://mizzreviewlady-mommyreviews.blogspot.com/2011/06/piggy-wiggies.html.

I was so excited when Piggy Wiggies offered to send me one of their latest Piggy Wiggies - Santa Snorz. I went to the post office to pick it up since I wasn't at home when they first delivered it although I didnt know at the time that it was Santa Snorz that I was picking up.   I was quite surprised to find Santa Snorz staring at me when I opened the package. 

Santa Snorz features a red body,  a white snout complete with black button nostrils,  two black sewn on beady little eyes and red stitching.  It's the cutest little santa pig you will ever lay your eyes on!  

BUY IT:  You can purchase Piggy Wiggies on the  Piggy Wiggies website,  FAO SHWARZ,  and other retailors and online sites.

LEARN MORE:  To learn more about Piggy Wiggies,  visit their website,  connect with them on Facebook,  and follow them on Twitter.

*Disclaimer - Piggy Wiggies provided me with a Santa Snorz to review,  free of charge,  for review purposes.  In no way did this alter my opinion of their products.  All of my opinions are one hundred percent honest and true.*


Eat To Live said...

My Grandson would absolutely love this!