Monday, January 2, 2012

300 Best Potato Recipes Cookbook


Potatoes are probably my most favorite vegetable on the planet,  well mine and just about everyone elses too!  They are inexpensive,  easy to make,  and go great with just about anything.  If you need some great recipes for cooking with Potatoes you should definently purchase the 300 Best Potato Recipes.  When cooking with potatoes the possiblilities are endless because they are so versatile,  as you will see in the 300 Best Potato Recipes book. 

Not only does 300 Potato Recipes feature lots of yummy recipes,  but it also includes an  interesting history of potatoes,  and an extensive glossary of almost 200 of the worlds most common potato varieties.  This is one of those cookbook where you dont know what recipe to make first because they all look so appetizing

300 Best Potato Recipes offers a wonderful variety of scrumptious potato recipes in the following categories:
  • Appitizers
  • Snacks
  • Small Plates and Light Meals
  • Salads
  • Soups
  • Main Courses with Meat
  • Poultry,  Fish,  and Seafood
  • Vegetarian Mains
  • Side Dishes
  • Breads and Bisuits
  • Desserts and Confections
  • And so much more!
Take a peak inside and you will find everything from Onions & Potato Cake to Hot Pepper & Potato Hash with Oven Eggs.  You would be surprised by how many different recipes you can make using potatoes.  Next time I go to the grocery store I am going to purchase two big bags of potatoes and start putting these recipes to use! 

Did you know?
  • Potatoes are not fattening.
  • Yukon Gold was the creation of a Canadian
  • There are about 4,000 varieties of potatoes
  • A sufficient amount of potatoes to feed a family of four for a week of dinners can often be had for less than only $5.00.
  • Over 55% of potatoes grown in Canada are processed, mostly into french fries.
Meet The Author: Kathleen Sloan-Mcintosh is not only an author but also a food journalist and the owner and opperator of the Black Dog Village Pub & Bistro in Bayfield,  Ontario. 

BUY IT:  You can purchase 300 Best Potato Recipes for only $24.95 in the US and $27.95 in Canada.  This book will be available beginning November 1st.

*Disclaimer - I received the book mentioned above,  free of charge,  for review purposes.  In no way did this alter my opinion of their products.  All of my opinons are one hundred percent honest and true.*


Eat To Live said...

I had no idea potatoes weren't fattening. I do know that potatoes are good for the liver... not white ones but red or gold. They have to be eaten with the skin though. I don't know what the skin does for the liver but that is how I eat my potatoes now.