Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mirror Makeovers

I am sure almost all of you know atleast one person that has been effected by cancer at some point in their life.  I myself know a handful of people that have dealt with or passed away from cancer.  It is a frightening disease that can be quite hard to deal with.  For those of you unfamiliar with cancer let me briefly explain to you what it is.

Cancer is not racist or sexist it does not care about age.  It is a disease that that cause abnormal cells to divide without control and can then invade other tissues.  In some cases cancer cells spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.  There are more than 100 types of cancer which can all be split into broader categories including:  Carcinoma,  Sarcoma,  Leukemia,  Lymphoma and Myeloma,  and Central Nervous System Cancers.  Cancer is a life threateing disease and is very dangerous.  Many people who develop cancer (depending upon the stage and type) go through chemo treatments which causes them to become sick and on top of that hair loss.  The hair loss for some can cause insecurities which can also be troublesome.

Many people I am close to have had to deal with cancer or is currently dealing with cancer,  one person in particular is a close friend of mine who has both breast cancer and lung caner.  Unfortantly she recently suffered from a stroak on top of the cancer is healing in a recovery unit.  Because the stroke left her unable to speak or read I took a special little book to her and read some of it to her.  The book is called Mirror Makeovers and savvy insights for the everyday gal surviving cancer and baldness with a sense of humor.  

This binder like bound hardback book features a bald woman looking into the mirror and the refelection in the mirror is that of a woman with pretty blond hair.  Basically the book helps those who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy to be able to remember to laugh.  She speaks about her own struggles and stories with hair loss due to cancer treatment.  She also teaches you how to do a mirror makeover.  

Okay so each book comes with a small plastic case of three markers(orange, pink,  and blue).  The book also includes ideas for different mirror makeovers such as "The Sandra Dee",  "The Medusa",  and even accessories.  The idea of a mirror makeover is give yourself a makeover by drawing on hair and accessories on your mirror to fit your mood and help cheer yourself up.  Because while dealing with cancer it can be easy to become depressed and sulk but it is a lot harder to find humor or even be cheerful.  

I must say the book put a smile on my friends face and although she isnt able to give herself a mirror makeover yet I am sure she will just as soon as she is able to begin walking again.  

Regina Savage is the creative author of this inspiring book.  She herself knows first hand what it is like to deal with cancer and hair loss because she has suffered from Breast Cancer and is currently celebrating her tenth year as a breast cancer survivor.  She wrote this book in hopes of inspiring others that are struggling with this terrible disease,  no matter what type of cancer they have.  Regina lives in Southern California with her family and friends.

BUY IT:  You can purchase Mirror Makeovers for $19.95.

LEARN MORE: To learn more visit

*Disclaimer - I received this book,  free of charge,  for review purposes.  In no way did this alter my opinion of their products.  All of my opinions are one hundred percent honest and true.*


Eat To Live said...

Laughter is healing so anything that makes us laugh would be wonderful and healing.